Електронний каталог

          Dziura, M.
    Poland's innovation policy as a challenge for intensive growth [Текст] / M. Dziura
    // Enterprises, entrepreneurship in the face of globalization and European integration - economic, legislative and social challenges. – Cracow : Oficyna Wydawnicza ABRYS, 2006. – C. 173-191.

    Innovation is a priority of all Member States of the European Commission. Throughout Europe, hundreds of policy measures and support schemes aimed at innovation have been implemented or are under preparation. This paper shows the reality of Polish innovation policy in recent years, especially just before the joining the European Union in May 2004 and just after when the policy-makers prepared new documents which may improve the innovativeness of the Polish economy in the nearest future. The contents and views expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the opinions and policies of the Member States or the European Commission which laid down by the Lisbon Council in March 2000.

ББК У9(4Пол)


Є складовою частиною документа Enterprises, entrepreneurship in the face of globalization and European integration - economic, legislative and social challenges [Текст] / Cracow University of Economics; Department of Economics and Organization of Enterprises; Ed.: R.Borowiecki. – Cracow : Oficyna Wydawnicza ABRYS, 2006. – 246 p. – ISBN 83-89726-04-1.

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Український Фондовий Дім Інформаційно-пошукова система