Електронний каталог

M44          Mazaraki, A.
    Prospects for heaith tourism in Ukraine [Текст] / A. Mazaraki
    // Freizeit und Wellness : Gesundheitstourismus in Europa. – Bielefeld : IFKA, 2001. – C. 100-109. – (IFKA - Documentation; Band 21).

   As one of Europe's newest countries, Ukraine has as yet had little chance to develop itself as an international tourist destination, despite having been a popular domestic destination when part of the USSR. In this report, A.Mazaraki, Rector of the Kiev State University of Trade and Economics at the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Relations, describes the country's diverse tourism-related resources and the kinds of tourism it hopes to attract. Considerable foreign investment will probably be needed to realize the country's potential.

ББК У9(4Укр)49:Ч518


Є складовою частиною документа Freizeit und Wellness : Gesundheitstourismus in Europa [Текст] = Leisure and Wellness: Health tourism in Europe : Die neue heruusforderung fur kurorte, tourismus und gesundheitssysteme : 11th ELRA (Europ.Leisure and Recreat. Association) Congress October 7-9, 1999; In coop. with ESPA(Europ. Spas Association) / Herausgeber, ed.: W.Nahrstedt; Deutshe Gesellschaft fur Freizeit(DGF); Deut. Gesell. fur Tourism.(DGT); World Leis.(WL). – Bielefeld : IFKA, 2001. – 248 s. – (IFKA - Documentation; Band 21). – ISBN 3-926499-44-3.

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Український Фондовий Дім Інформаційно-пошукова система