Електронний каталог

F36          Felix, &. T.
    Heidelberger Herbst [Текст] / & Theo Felix. – Berlin : Langenscheidt, 2003. – 46 s. – (Leichte lekturen : Deutsch als fremdsprache in drei stufen; Stufe 2). – 22.00.

    A series of readers intended for learners of school-age, but certain to appeal to students of all ages. Available in three levels, from near-beginner to advanced, these readers give learners access to authentic narratives by Germans at the earliest possible stage. The stories are written in the popular "Krimi" genre, and all involve cases from the notebook of Helmut Muller, private eye. Each story is humorously illustrated in the cartoon-style of Theo Scherling and contains a useful section of "Landeskundliche Anmerkungen" at the end, together with a section of enjoyable multi-choice tasks to check comprehension.

ISBN 3-468-49708-3УДК 811.112.2
ББК Ш1.4Нім-93


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