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M94          Mullis, A.
    Torts [Text] [Текст] / A. Mullis, K. Oliphant ; Law series editor: M.Cremona. – 2nd. ed. – London : Macmillan Press Ltd, 1997. – 356 p. – (Macmillan law masters). – 176,00; 165,00.

   Torts make headline news. From mass disasters like Hillsborough to scandal-mongering in the popular press, torts are seldom far from the front pages. Yet, despite its human interest, the law of torts is notoriously difficult for students. Mullis and Oliphant's accessible introduction covers the basic principles of the law of torts as well as directing the reader towards the complexities of the subject and its relationship with society. For this new edition the section on negligence has been extensively revised to cover recent crucial decisions in relation to nervous shock and economic loss. The Damages Act 1996 dominate the new legislation.

ISBN 0-333-71903-4ББК Х52я73+Х304(4/8)я73+Х304(4Вел)я73


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