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H31          Hart, T.
    Intellectual property law [Text] [Текст] / T. Hart, L. Fazzani ; Series editor: M.Cremona. – London : Macmillan Press Ltd, 1997. – 218 p. – (Macmillan law masters). – 159,00; 160,00.

   The world of copyright, patents and trade mark law has been transformed by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, the Trade Marks Act 1994 and the explosion of electronic media. Thislively and accessible guide to a complex field brings together an academic familiar with problems that students face and a leading practitioner who advises in this arae every day. They combine a practical viewpoint for those in business and in private practice who require an overview of this area of the law with the intellectual stimulus to students to explore the subject further.

ISBN 0-333-66489-2ББК Х52я73+Х304.3(4/8)я73+Х304.3(4Вел)я73


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