Електронний каталог

A18          Accounting regulations in Hungary [Текст] : Investor's booklets / Ministry of Economic Affairs and The Hungarian Investment and Trade Development Agency (ITDH). – Budapest : Information Service of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2002. – 20 p.

   Since January 1st 1992, accounting rules in Hungary have been regulated by law. In addition to the legislative regulations, the specific features of reporting and bookkeeping requirements for certain entities (such as credit institutions and financial business, insurance companies, the National Bank of Hungary, the voluntary and private pension funds and public organizations) are defined by government decrees based on the provision of the Act on Accounting.

ББК У052.2+У052.9(4Вен)+У9(4Вен)


Теми документа

Український Фондовий Дім Інформаційно-пошукова система