Електронний каталог

C73          Commodity science 2.0. Problems of sustainable growth for improvement of life quality [Text] [Текст] / edit. Romuald I. Zalewski. – Poznan : Wyd. Komisja Nauk Towaroznawczych PAN Oddzial w Poznaniu, 2015. – 90 p. – 150,00.

   IGWT Symposium is a good opportunity to discuss the latest achievements of commodity science obtained in different laboratories and countries. However it is a good platform to conduct a debate on the directions of its development and place in the future. Many scientific disciplines such as economics and management have been developing new paradigms of their theory and teachings, which reflect the latest trends in the global economy. These include, inter alia, globalization, internationalization, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, rapid changes in technology, innovative economy, changes in consumer behavior, digitization, etc.

ISBN 978-83-92254-04-1ББК Ж609+У290-80-21


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