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B92          Bujak, A.
    St. Mary's Basilica [Text] [Текст] / A. Bujak ; introduction Michal Rozek. – Krakow : Bialy Kruk Sp. z o.o., 2001. – 192 s. : foto. – 200,00.

   Church of Our Lady Assumed into Heaven (also known as St. Mary's Church; Polish: Kosciol Wniebowziecia Najswietszej Maryi Panny (Kosciol Mariacki)) is a Brick Gothic church re-built in the 14th century (originally built in the early 13th century), adjacent to the Main Market Square in Krakow, Poland. Standing 80 m (262 ft) tall, it is particularly famous for its wooden altarpiece carved by Veit Stoss (Wit Stwosz). On every hour, a trumpet signal—called the Hejnal mariacki—is played from the top of the taller of St. Mary's two towers. The plaintive tune breaks off in mid-stream, to commemorate the famous 13th century trumpeter, who was shot in the throat while sounding the alarm before the Mongol attack on the city. The noon-time hejnal is heard across Poland and abroad broadcast live by the Polish national Radio 1 Station. St. Mary's Basilica also served as an architectural model for many of the churches that were built by the Polish diaspora abroad, particularly those like St. Michael's and St. John Cantius in Chicago, designed in the so-called Polish Cathedral style.

ISBN 83-914021-8-5ББК Щ113(4)я6+Щ133(4)я6+Э375я6+Д89(4Пол)я6


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