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          The Ukrainian journal of business law [Текст]. Vol. 12. № 3 : In focus: European court of human rights. – Kiev : ПрАТ "Юридична практика", 2014. – журнал.

   "UJBL" - ежемесячный журнал, предназначенный для англоговорящих представителей иностранного и отечественного бизнеса, иностранных инвесторов, юридических фирм и представительств, объединений и ассоциаций предпринимателей. Издание освещает правовые вопросы ведения бизнеса на Украине и за рубежом. Since Ukraine signed the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, our country is among the leaders in complaints brought to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Certainly, the Court actually serves as a last hope. Furthermore, the Court’s judgments drastically reflect the principal pitfalls of the legal system. For example, protection of property rights and non-enforcement of decisions of national courts. It’s a good source of analysis at a time when the study of case law may give lots of answers addressing the request for structural changes. The Strasbourg authority also faces challenges due to the huge workload, long-lasting decision-making and enforcing of its decisions within domestic laws. In response it undergoes reform, which is a very popular term at the moment. Whilst planning the schedule of the UJBL for 2014 we realized that despite all the public discussion centered around human rights, there was no clear vision of this fundamental freedom as a pillar of Ukrainian civil society. Following the dramatic events in our country of the last few months, this is precisely the time to get involved in case analysis and learning lessons.


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Місце збереження Кількість В наявностi
Зал іноземної літератури 1 1

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