Електронний каталог

F33          Fedorenko, V.
    Investment [Text] [Текст] : textbook / V. Fedorenko, M. Czapka ; University of Economics and Administration in Bytom. – 2nd ed., rev. and updated. – Kyiv : Alerta, 2011. – 384 p. – 180,00, 100 ex.

    The book reviews in the systematic from the topical problems of the theory and practice of investments, analyzes the principles, methods and functions of investment processes, various aspects of governmental operations, civil service, streamlining of public administration and its performance criteria in Ukraine and Poland, former Soviet states. The textbook is the basis for establishing the new science in the economy - investment studies.

ISBN 978-617-566-022-5 (Alerta), ISBN 978-83-88587-39-9 (UEAB)ББК У262.29я73+У9(4Укр)262.29я73+У290-56-21я73


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