Електронний каталог

          Nechayev, Y. V.
    Joint implementation projects in Ukraine [Text] [Текст] : tips for prospective investors / Y. V. Nechayev, A. V. Shyrkozhukhov
    // The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law. – Kiev : ПрАТ "Юридична практика", 2012. – Vol. 10, № 10 : In focus: Climate change. – P. 14-17.

   On 4 February 2004, Ukraine ratified the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This gave Ukraine an opportunity to engage in various types of projects purported at reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (the GHG emissions), in particular and especially joint implementation projects (the JI projects). JI projects involve participants who made commitments under the Kyoto Protocol and provide them with a possibility to meet emission reduction targets by earning emission reduction units (the ERUs) from projects in other participating states, which made commitments.

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Є складовою частиною документа The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law [Текст]. Vol. 10. № 10 : In focus: Climate change. – Kiev : ПрАТ "Юридична практика", 2012. – журнал.

Теми документа

Український Фондовий Дім Інформаційно-пошукова система