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          Kostrytska, M.
    Pledge of a participatory interest [Text] [Текст] : problems and risks / M. Kostrytska
    // The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law. – Kiev : ПрАТ "Юридична практика", 2012. – Vol. 10, № 9 : In focus: International corporate finance. – P. 23-26.

   Over the last decade securing obligations by the pledge of a participatory interest in share capital has become more and more popular with Ukrainian banking institutions and business. This is explained not only by the general trend of expansion of the range of assets that can be encumbered or Western tendencies, where such type of the pledge is common, but also by the fact that the pledge of the participatory interest gives more opportunities to obtain credit for many limited liability and additional liability companies - the most numerous group of legal entities in Ukraine - which is important in a volatile economy.

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Є складовою частиною документа The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law [Текст]. Vol. 10. № 9 : In focus: International corporate finance. – Kiev : ПрАТ "Юридична практика", 2012. – журнал.

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Український Фондовий Дім Інформаційно-пошукова система