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A15          Abiding issues, changing perspectives [Text] [Текст] : visions of the University across a half-century / ed. by Guy Neave; International Association of Universities. – Paris : IAU, 2000. – 320 p. – (Issues in Higher Education).

   This book examines the challenges posed to the leadership of the world's universities and their vision of the role of higher education in society through speeches delivered by key personalities to major conferences sponsored by the International Association of Universities. Following an introduction, "Voices of Constancy, Voices of Change: Higher Education Discussed across a Turbulent Half Century" by Guy Neave, the papers are: (1) "New Horizons in University Development" (George G. Stoddard); (2) "University Autonomy" (Hector Hetherington); (3) "Autonomy, Its Meaning Today" (V. Merikoski); (4) "The Contribution of the Classical Humanities to a Better Understanding of Modern Thinking, Especially in the Field of Science" (B. Snell); (5) "Economics and Cultural Development" (Jean Capelle); (6) "The University and the Needs of Contemporary Society" (Constantine K. Zurayk); (7) "The Role of Universities in the Education of Leaders for National Life" (A. A. Siassi); (8) "University Education and Public Ser

ISBN 92-9002-166-7ББК Ч48(4/8)


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