Електронний каталог

E20          Economic migration, social cohesion and development [Text] [Текст] : towards an integrated approach / Patric Taran, Irina Ivakhnyuk, Maria da Conceicao Pereira Ramos, Arno Tanner under the responsibility and in co-operation with the editing Group of the European Committee on Migration (CDMG). – Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2009. – 194 p. – (Migration Collection). – Bibliogr.: p. 171-192 (293 titles).

   In the final declaration of their 8th conference, the European ministers responsible for migration affairs committed to promoting and protecting the human rights of migrants, with special attention to gender equality and the rights of women; to strengthening dialogue and co-operation between receiving, transit and origin countries, particularly within Europe; and to promoting coherence at all levels (international, national, regional and local) between migration, development and integration policies. The ministers also agreed to manage economic migration with a view to promoting economic and social progress in receiving, transit and origin countries; to enhance social cohesion by improving the integration of migrants and persons of immigrant background and the re-integration of migrants who return to their countries of origin; and to strengthen the contribution of migrants and persons of immigrant background to development in receiving and origin countries and their involvement in co-development progr

ISBN 978-92-871-6572-5ББК С723.5+Х300(4)


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