Електронний каталог

          Pour, R. M.
    Drafting and managing international supply contracts [Text] [Текст] : practical aspects / Rafsendjani M. Pour, T. O. Khrystyuk
    // The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law. – Kiev : ПрАТ "Юридична практика", 2011. – Vol. 9, № 10 : In focus: Trade & Distribution. – P. 25-28.

   Goods, works and services have been traded across national borders for hundreds of years, and in that time businesses have learned how to supply every corner of the world. However, even today businesses still try to use national agreements worldwide. Needless to say, this approach leads to conflicts. In drafting an agreement, lawyers should consider potential problems that may arise and then prepare solutions according to the maxim: if you want peace, prepare for war.

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Є складовою частиною документа The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law [Текст]. Vol. 9. № 10 : In focus: Trade & Distribution. – Kiev : ПрАТ "Юридична практика", 2011. – журнал.

Теми документа

Український Фондовий Дім Інформаційно-пошукова система