Електронний каталог

          Gryadushchyy, A. Y.
    Legal education in the United Kingdom [Text] [Текст] / A. Y. Gryadushchyy
    // The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law. – Kiev : ЗАТ "Юридична практика", 2011. – Vol. 9, № 9 : In focus: Tehnology & Inovations. – P. 34-37.

    The legal profession has long been one of the most sought after professions in the world one could choose. Mostly because being a lawyer has always been associated by the general public with standout qualities, such as dignity, integrity and honesty. Interestingly, after the collapse of Soviet Union, not many people in Ukraine (or any other post-Soviet countries) actually realized what being a lawyer really meant.

ББК Ч48(4/8)+Ч48(4Вел)


Є складовою частиною документа The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law [Текст]. Vol. 9. № 9 : In focus: Tehnology & Inovations. – Kiev : ЗАТ "Юридична практика", 2011. – журнал.

Теми документа

Український Фондовий Дім Інформаційно-пошукова система