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T44          The new global puzzle. What world for the EU in 2025? [Text] [Текст] / directed by Nicole Gnesotto and Giovanni Gravi. – Paris : Institute for Security Studies, [2006]. – 250 p. – Bibliogr.: p. 215-248. – 162,00.

    In January 2002 the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) became an autonomous Paris-based agency of the European Union. Following an EU Council Joint Action of 20 July 2001, it is now an integral part of the new structures that will support the further development of the CFSP/ESDP. The Institute's core mission is to provide analyses and recommendations that can be of use and relevance to the formulation of the European security and defence policy. In carrying out that mission, it also acts as an interface between European experts and decision-makers at all levels.

ISBN 92-9198-096-XББК У50


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