Електронний каталог

I-69          International investment instruments [Text] [Текст] : a compendium. Vol. III : Regional integration, bilateral and non-governmental instruments / United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development. – New York; Geneva : United Nations Publ., 1996. – 390 p.

   Volume III is divided into three annexes covering three types of instruments that differ in their context or their origin from those included in the first two volumes: - Annex A reproduces investment-related provisions in free trade and regional integration agreements. The specific function and, therefore, the effect of such provisions is largely determined by the economic integration process which they are intended to promote and in the context of which they operate. - Annex B (the only section that departs from the chronological pattern) offers the texts of prototype bilateral treaties for the promotion and protection of foreign investments (BITs) of several developed and developing countries, as well as a list of these treaties concluded up to July 1995. The bilateral character of these treaties differentiates them from the bulk of the instruments included in this Compendium. Over 900 such treaties had been adopted by July 1995. - Annex C supplies the texts of documents prepared by non-govern

ISBN 92-1-104465-0; ISBN 92-1-104466-9ББК У584.3+У542


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