Електронний каталог

G78          Green, K.
    Land law [Текст] / K. Green ; Law series editor: M.Cremona. – 3rd. ed. – London : Macmillan Press Ltd, 1997. – 224 p. – (Macmillan law masters). – 285.00.

   Land Law provides a clear and straightforward introduction to basic English land law rules, and includes discussion of the new laws on leasehold covenants and trusts in land as well as of recent cases on the formality of land contracts. The book uses accessible language, tables and diagrams to cover the subject and stresses a full understanding of a few importants cases rather than a superficial knowledge of many. The refreshingly clear style and student-centred approach enable learners to progress step by step. Ample material for revision and practice is provided.

ISBN 0-333-69180-6ББК Х52я73+Х307(4/8)я73+Х307(4Вел)


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