Електронний каталог

          Kot, S.
    Supply chain management in global scale [Текст] / S. Kot
    // Enterprises, entrepreneurship in the face of globalization and European integration - economic, legislative and social challenges. – Cracow : Oficyna Wydawnicza ABRYS, 2006. – C. 235-242.

    The effective distribution of goods and services to consumers are possible if an effective world marketing infrastructure is developed. Therefore it is a necessity for development of global supply chains managed in effective way. the paper focuses on the global market forces explanation and features of global market. Then the mission of global facilities and risks of global operation are presented. Finally, the requirements for global strategy implementation are discussed.

ББК У421.0-21


Є складовою частиною документа Enterprises, entrepreneurship in the face of globalization and European integration - economic, legislative and social challenges [Текст] / Cracow University of Economics; Department of Economics and Organization of Enterprises; Ed.: R.Borowiecki. – Cracow : Oficyna Wydawnicza ABRYS, 2006. – 246 p. – ISBN 83-89726-04-1.

Теми документа

Український Фондовий Дім Інформаційно-пошукова система