Електронний каталог

          Doroba, A.
    Restructuring - how to make the efforts efficient and their effects long lasting [Текст] / A. Doroba, M. Kaliski
    // Enterprises, entrepreneurship in the face of globalization and European integration - economic, legislative and social challenges. – Cracow : Oficyna Wydawnicza ABRYS, 2006. – C. 143-157.

    The case above case studies and preceding discussion bring us to the conclusion, that if we want to make our restructuring efforts efficient and not vain, if we want to see long lasting positive results, we need to see the restructuring as a continuous and complete process embracing all areas of business'activity, even if the incentives for restructuring come only from one single area.

ББК У9(4Пол)


Є складовою частиною документа Enterprises, entrepreneurship in the face of globalization and European integration - economic, legislative and social challenges [Текст] / Cracow University of Economics; Department of Economics and Organization of Enterprises; Ed.: R.Borowiecki. – Cracow : Oficyna Wydawnicza ABRYS, 2006. – 246 p. – ISBN 83-89726-04-1.

Теми документа

Український Фондовий Дім Інформаційно-пошукова система